Burditt Prairie Cemetery Clean Up Day

Friday, January 13, 2023
10 AM – 3 PM
Burditt Prairie Cemetery
6700 Felix Ave, Austin, TX 78741
Join us for a volunteer clean up of the oldest Black cemetery in Austin. We will meet at the Montopolis Practice fields at 901 Vasquez St. Austin, TX 78741 for volunteer orientation starting at 10:15 AM. Gear and water is provided, but landscaping equipment such as loppers, machetes, trimmers, rakes, sheers, weed whackers etc are very much appreciated. Be sure to also bring protective gear such as gloves, insect repellant, extra water, and sunscreen.
Thank you to our community partners: American YouthWorks, Burditt Prairie Preservation Association, and the Montopolis Neighborhood Association.